Margaret L. Signorella
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Margaret L. Signorella, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Psychology Program Coordinator at Penn State Brandywine. She previously served as Director of Academic Affairs for 10 years at Penn State Greater Allegheny.
Trained as a social psychologist, her major research focus is on the development and consequences of gender schemas, and she is collaborating on two grants aimed at understanding gender differences in cognition and career interests. She frequently uses meta-analysis to examine the developmental and gender-related trends in stereotypical schemas. In her teaching, which includes introductory psychology, research methods, and various social psychology courses, she emphasizes involving undergraduate students in research projects.
Dr. Signorella is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Psychology of Women, SPSSI). She recently co-edited a two-part special issue of the journal on single-sex education. From 2017-2018, she is president of APA's Division 35 (Society for Psychology of Women)
Primary Interests:
- Gender Psychology
- Internet and Virtual Psychology
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Social Cognition
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Why Gender Matters In Climate Change
Journal Articles:
- Bigler, R. S., & Signorella, M. L. (2011). Single-sex education: New perspectives and evidence on a continuing controversy. Sex Roles, 65, 659-669.
- Grimes, G. A., Hough, M. G., Mazur, E., & Signorella, M. L. (2010). Older adults' knowledge of Internet hazards. Educational Gerontology, 36, 173-192.
- Grimes, G. A., Hough, M. G., & Signorella, M. L. (2007). Email end users and spam: Relations of gender and age group to attitudes and actions. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 318-332.
- Liben, L. S., & Signorella, M. L. (1993). Gender-schematic processing in children: The role of initial interpretations of stimuli. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 141-149.
- Liben, L. S., & Signorella, M. L. (1980). Gender-related schemata and constructive memory in children. Child Development, 51(1), 11-18.
- Signorella, M. L. (2015). Challenges in evaluating single-sex education. Sex Roles, 72, 397-400.
- Signorella, M. L. (1992). Remembering gender-related information. Sex Roles, 27(3-4), 143-156.
- Signorella, M. L. (1984). Cognitive consequences of personal involvement in gender identity. Sex Roles, 11(9-10), 923-939.
- Signorella, M. L., Bigler, R. S., & Liben, L. S. (1997). A meta-analysis of children's memories for own-sex and other-sex information. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18(3), 429-445.
- Signorella, M. L., Bigler, R. S., & Liben, L. S. (1993). Developmental differences in children's gender schemata about others: A meta-analytic review. Developmental Review, 13(2), 147-183.
- Signorella, M. L., & Cooper, J. E. (2011). Relationship suggestions from self-help books: Gender stereotyping, preferences, and context effects. Sex Roles, 65, 371-382.
- Signorella, M. L., & Frieze, I. H. (2008). Interrelations of gender schemas in children and adolescents: Attitudes, preferences and self-perceptions. Social Behavior and Personality, 36, 941-954.
- Signorella, M. L., Frieze, I. H., & Hershey, S. W. (1996). Single-sex versus mixed-sex classes and gender schemata in children and adolescents: A longitudinal comparison. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 20(4), 599-607.
- Signorella, M. L., Hayes, A. R., & Li, Y. (2013). A meta-analytic critique of Mael et al.’s (2005) review of single-sex schooling. Sex Roles, 69(7-8), 423-441.
- Signorella, M. L., & Jamison, W. (1986). Masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and cognitive performance: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 100(2), 207-228.
- Signorella, M. L., Jamison, W., & Krupa, M. H. (1989). Predicting spatial performance from gender stereotyping in activity preferences and in self-concept. Developmental Psychology, 25(1), 89-95.
- Signorella, M. L., Krupa, M. H., Jamison, W., & Lyons, N. (1986). A short version of a spatial activity questionnaire. Sex Roles, 14, 475-479.
- Signorella, M. L., & Liben, L. S. (1984). Recall and reconstruction of gender-related pictures: Effects of attitude, task difficulty, and age. Child Development, 55(2), 393-405.
Other Publications:
- Mazur, E., Signorella, M. L., & Hough, M. (2012). Older adults and their Internet behaviors. In Z. Yan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior (pp. 608-619). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Signorella, M. L. (1999). Multidimensionality of gender schemas: Implications for the development of gender-related characteristics. In W. B. Swann Jr., J. H. Langlois & L. A. Gilbert (Eds.), Sexism and stereotypes in modern society: The gender science of Janet Taylor Spence. (pp. 107-126). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.
Courses Taught:
- Basic Research Methods in Psychology
- Introduction to Social Psychology
- Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
- Introductory Psychology
- Psychology of Gaming
Margaret L. Signorella
Penn State Brandywine
Commons Building 208
25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, Pennsylvania 19063
United States of America
- Phone: (610) 892-1267
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